I'm getting the following error:
build/main.o:source/main.s:91: undefined reference to `addr_r'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
from this code:
82] @ Register Aliases for subroutines
83] addr_r .req r4
85] write_latch:
86] mov fp, sp @ save position in calling code
87] PUSH {r4-r10} @ preserve variable registers
89] @ do stuff here later
90] POP {r4-r10} @ restore variable registers
91] bx lr @ return to position in calling code
Im using ARMv7 on a Raspberry Pi 3 running rasbian. Can anyone help explain why or how to fix it?
It turns out the problem wasn't on line 91 at all, the problem was the following line in a different subroutine:
ldr r0, =addr_r @ address for GPFSEL{n}
I was refering to an aliased register as a label, changed it to:
mov r0, addr_r @ address for GPFSEL{n}
and that fixed the problem! :D