I am trying to build a project on windows using MinGW and eclipse. I'm using the SDL library but when i try to complie it, I get the error
g++ -Wl,-subsystem,windows -oplikoo.exe src\mouse.o src\camera.o src\Timer.o src\Pegs.o src\Graphics.o src\FPS.o src\Ball.o -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL.dll -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer
c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.0/../../../libSDLmain.a(SDL_win32_main.o): In function `console_main':
/Users/hercules/trunk/SDL-1.2/./src/main/win32/SDL_win32_main.c:315: undefined reference to `SDL_main'
I understand that main has to have the int main(int argc, char *argv[])
signature, and #include <SDL.h>
in that file, but it still does not work.
main.cpp was not in src dir, not being compiled