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How to add indexTitles in a collection view? (iOS 10+)

As the question, I'm trying to add an "index titles" in a collection view for a fast navigation of the contents of my UIColletionView.

I've read that, starting from iOS 10, method like indexTitles(for:) and collectionView(_:indexPathForIndexTitle:at:) can help me in that as in the UITableViews. But I'm not getting any result! Have you figured out how to use those methods? Thanks in advance for any help.


  • If you look at UICollectionView.h, indexTitlesForCollectionView is only available in tvos:

    /// Returns a list of index titles to display in the index view (e.g. ["A", "B", "C" ... "Z", "#"])
    - (nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)indexTitlesForCollectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView API_AVAILABLE(tvos(10.2));

    You might have read Apple's documentation, which states that indexTitle methods are available for iOS 10.3+ and tvOS 10.2+:

    I tried implementing it on iOS and it just doesn't work, which leads me to believe that somehow they made a mistake in the documentation.