I want to call a routine with arguments to be used as the condition of a loop. The code that follows doesn't works, it gives the ERROR 13 (incompatible types). How do I fix this? Many thanks!
Sub foo()
Call bar("a>10")
End Sub
Sub bar(myCondition as String)
Dim a as Integer
Debug.Print a
Loop Until myCondition
End Sub
Word has no equivalent to Excel's Evaluate
so this is only possible the "long way around". You need to figure out every variation you want to pass for evaluation, test for which it is, and then run the correct type of loop. Seems to me you'd need to do something like this, anyway, since using the test you have in your example wouldn't loop for "<" (assuming you use positive integers).
In order to avoid repeating the code you want to execute in the loop, put that in a separate function.
Sub foo()
Call bar(">", 10)
End Sub
Sub bar(ByVal conditionOperator As String, ByVal conditionValue As Long)
Dim a As Long
Select Case conditionOperator
Case Is = "<"
a = PerformLoop(a)
Loop While a < conditionValue
Case Is = ">"
a = PerformLoop(a)
Loop Until a > conditionValue
Case Is = "="
a = PerformLoop(a)
Loop Until a = conditionValue
Case Is = ">="
a = PerformLoop(a)
Loop Until a >= conditionValue
Case Is = "<="
a = PerformLoop(a)
Loop While a < conditionValue
End Select
End Sub
Function PerformLoop(a As Long) As Long
Debug.Print a
a = a + 1
PerformLoop = a
End Function