In my application I have internationalization and so we have a bunch of methods to deal with formatting.
One of them should receive a double and format it to two decimal places and return a double. For doing so, we are using NumberFormatInfo
according to the culture selected.
The problem is I cant get Convert.ToDouble
to work with NumberFormatInfo
the way I would like to. Basically what I want to know is why this:
using System;
using System.Globalization;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var myDouble = 9.983743;
var nfi = new NumberFormatInfo() {
NumberDecimalDigits = 2
Console.WriteLine("Original value: " + myDouble);
Console.WriteLine("Converted value: " + Convert.ToDouble(myDouble, nfi));
Original value: 9.983743
Converted value: 9.983743 // Should be 9.98
And how can I get the result I want using NumberFormatInfo
only, if possible.
From MSDN:
The NumberDecimalDigits property is used with the "F" and "N" standard format strings without a precision specifier in numeric formatting operations.
The default is the generic formatting (G
). So this will give you the desired result:
Console.WriteLine(myDouble.ToString("N", nfi));
However, 2 is the default value anyway. And it is better to specify it explicitly:
Console.WriteLine(myDouble.ToString("N2", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
Yeah but I do need to return a double from my method.
Now I see. In your place I would return the original double
in that case, too. If the consumer of your API wants to display/store it as a string with two digits, then it is his responsibility to format it.
If you really want to omit the last digits of the precision and return a modified value, then use Math.Round
instead (but I would not recommend that).