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if then elseif then else then - statement in Angular 4

I have to apply one class from my 4 available classes (yellow, green red and white) to my div as per status condition in my angular 4 project.

<div *ngIf="item.status=='pending'; then yellow 
elseif item.status=='completed'; then green ... else white">
div content...

Only one conditions in above statement can be true.

how to achieve this (if elseif elseif ... else statements in angular4) ?


  • Use ngClass

    <div [ngClass]= { 
        'yellow-class' : item.status =='pending', 
        'green-class' : item.status == 'completed', 
        'white-class' : item.status != 'pending' && 'item.status' != 'completed' }>

    Use ngStyle

    In markup:

    <div [style.color]=“getStatusColor(item.status)”>


    <div [ngStyle]=“{color: getStatusColor(item.status)”>

    In component:

    getStatusColor(status) {
      switch (status) {
        case ‘pending’:
          return ‘yellow’;
        case ‘completed’:
          return green;
          return ‘white’;