Envers cannot find composite property in Embedded class Audited. I have :
public class Allocation {
private Long value;
@Table(name = "payment")
public class PaymentEntity extends AbstractEntity {
// All propert is not Audited except Allocation
private Transaction transaction;
private Allocation allocation;
So when I call :
.forRevisionsOfEntity(PaymentEntity.class, true, true)
I have a
org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: allocation of: ....PaymentEntity_AUD
I try just "value" and I had same exception.
I want history of all Payments where value was 1L. So, There are something different to access a composite property like when we build a Query?
So, I found solution on : https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-9178
the name of property not "allocation.value" but "allocation_value".