I have a python file that converted into exe using pyinstaller but i need to get the data from another file which is to be updated and without another pyinstaller execution it needed to be worked like getting a data from the config file to exe
from configfile import variables
that is loaded from the configfile.py file but after converting into exe i cant able to update configfile.py variables
any suggestion will be welcomed
function from the python config file updated and loaded dynamically outside the environment of exe
import os
extDataDir = os.getcwd()
ext_config = os.path.join(extDataDir, '', 'configfile.py')
def importCode(code,name,add_to_sys_modules=0):
import sys,imp
module = imp.new_module(name)
if add_to_sys_modules:
sys.modules[name] = module
return module
configfile_rd = open(ext_config, "r")
configfile_code = configfile_rd.read()
configfile = importCode(configfile_code,"configfile") #dynamically readed the config file from exe and execute the python file configfile.py and working as well as import configfile
constant = configfile.variables()