I want to do a poisson regression by hand and define a function that can be used for estimation of an arbitrary number of coefficients. I have 2 questions:
First: How can I get a matrix of betas and don't have to write every beta explicity. I want to write lambda in this way lambda = exp(t(x)%*%beta) . I thought I can do a for loop and create for every column in x a beta and sum them ab in a matrix but I dont know how to code it.
Second : As I don't know how to write for i betas I tried to write the function for estimating 6 betas. I get a result with the dataset warpbreaks but the coefficients are not the same like in glm, why? I also don't know which values i have to paste to par and also don't know why optim doesn't work if I don't paste x and y to the function.
Hope you can help!
daten <- warpbreaks
LogLike <- function(y,x, par) {
beta <- par
# the deterministic part of the model:
lambda <- exp(beta%*%t(x))
# and here comes the negative log-likelihood of the whole dataset, given the
# model:
LL <- -sum(dpois(y, lambda, log = TRUE))
PoisMod<-function(formula, data){
# #formula
form <- formula(formula)
# # dataFrame
model <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
# # Designmatrix
x <- model.matrix(formula,data = data)
# # Response Variable
y <- model.response(model)
par <- rep(0,ncol(x))
call <- match.call()
koef <- optim(par=par,fn=LogLike,x=x,y=y)$par
estimation <- return(list("coefficients" = koef,"call"= call))
class(result) <- "PoisMod"
print.PoisMod <- function(x, ...) {
# Call
cat("Call:", "\n")
# Coefficients
cat("Coefficents:", "\n")
Koef <- (t(x$coefficients))
rownames(Koef) <- ""
print(round(Koef, 3))
Here a working example, based on your code .. but without the square of the explanatory variables :
LogLike <- function(y,x, par) {
beta0 <- par[1]
beta1 <- par[2]
beta2 <- par[3]
beta3 <- par[4]
# the deterministic part of the model:
lambda <- exp(beta0*x[,1] + beta1 * x[,2] +beta2*x[,3]+beta3*x[,4])
# and here comes the negative log-likelihood of the whole dataset, given the
# model:
LL <- -sum(dpois(y, lambda, log = TRUE))
PoisMod<-function(formula, data){
# # definiere Regressionsformel
form <- formula(formula)
# # dataFrame wird erzeugt
model <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
# # Designmatrix erzeugt
x <- model.matrix(formula,data = data)
# # Response Variable erzeugt
y <- model.response(model)
par <- c(0,0,0,0)
erg <- list(optim(par=par,fn=LogLike,x=x,y=y)$par)
PoisMod(breaks~wool+tension, as.data.frame(daten))
And you can compare with glm :
glm(breaks~wool+tension, family = "poisson", data = as.data.frame(daten))
Edit : for any number of explanatory variables
LogLike <- function(y,x, par) {
beta <- par
# the deterministic part of the model:
lambda <- exp(beta%*%t(x))
# and here comes the negative log-likelihood of the whole dataset, given the
# model:
LL <- -sum(dpois(y, lambda, log = TRUE))
PoisMod<-function(formula, data){
# # definiere Regressionsformel
form <- formula(formula)
# # dataFrame wird erzeugt
model <- model.frame(formula, data = data)
# # Designmatrix erzeugt
x <- model.matrix(formula,data = data)
# # Response Variable erzeugt
y <- model.response(model)
par <- rep(0,ncol(x))
erg <- list(optim(par=par,fn=LogLike,x=x,y=y)$par)
PoisMod(breaks~wool+tension, as.data.frame(daten))
glm(breaks~wool+tension, family = "poisson", data = as.data.frame(daten))