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Register ILoggerFactory in DryIoc container

I want to use Microsoft.Extensions.Logging with a DryIoc container.

The default way is to register the factory as an instance, inject it and create a logger:

ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory().AddDebug();

// inject factory in constructor
public MyService(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory){
 this.logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<MyService>()

 this.logger.LogInformation("Logger created");

But I want a more ASP.NET Core like behavior, where the Logger is directly injected:

// inject logger in constructor
public MyService(ILogger<MyService> logger){
 this.logger = logger;

 this.logger.LogInformation("Logger created");

So I need to create an Instance of the ILoggerFactory due to some configuration, and the ILogger<> Interface must be registered in the container using the "CreateLogger" Method when requested.

I tried using registration with a factory method from without any success.

Ended up with something like this, but the generic in CreateLogger<> is missing:

container.Register(typeof(ILogger<>), made: Made.Of(() => loggerFactory.CreateLogger<>()));

Maybe anyone can help.


You have to do this for getting the correct factory method:

var loggerFactoryMethod = typeof(LoggerFactoryExtensions).GetMethod("CreateLogger", new Type[] { typeof(ILoggerFactory) });

I've created and updated a working sample of this using Xamarin.Forms (with Prism and DryIoc) at


  • Here is the full working example based on sample interfaces and classes.
    Live code to play is here.

    using System;
    using DryIoc;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            var container = new Container();
            // note usage of UseInstance instead of obsolete RegisterInstance
            container.UseInstance(new LoggerFactory()); 
            var loggerFactoryMethod = typeof(LoggerFactory).GetMethod("CreateLogger");
            container.Register(typeof(ILogger<>), made: Made.Of(
                req => loggerFactoryMethod.MakeGenericMethod(req.Parent.ImplementationType),
        class MyService 
            public MyService(ILogger<MyService> logger) { logger.Log("Hey!"); }
        interface ILogger<T> 
            void Log(string msg);
        class ConsoleLogger<T> : ILogger<T>
            public void Log(string msg) { Console.WriteLine(typeof(T) + ": " + msg); }
        class LoggerFactory 
            public ILogger<T> CreateLogger<T>() { return new ConsoleLogger<T>(); }

    Update for static LoggerFactoryExtensions

    For the static method the setup is more simple, you don't need to specify a factory instance via ServiceInfo.Of<LoggerFactory>(), it will be injected as any other parameter.

    Here is the changes (live sample is updated):

        var loggerFactoryMethod = typeof(LoggerFactoryExtensions).GetMethod("CreateLogger");
        container.Register(typeof(ILogger<>), made: Made.Of(
            req => loggerFactoryMethod.MakeGenericMethod(req.Parent.ImplementationType)));

    Given the extensions:

    public static class LoggerFactoryExtensions
        public static ILogger<T> CreateLogger<T>(this LoggerFactory f) { return new ConsoleLogger<T>(); }