I have 160 bits of random data.
Just for fun, I want to generate an English pseudo-poem to "store" this information in. I want to be able to recover this information from the poem. ("Poem" here is a vague term for any kind of poetry.)
Note: This is not a security question, I don't care if someone else will be able to recover the information or even detect that it is there or not.
Criteria for a better poem:
I'd say that the acceptable poem is no longer than three stanzas of four lines each. (But the other, established forms of poetry, like sonnets are good as well.)
I like this idea, but, I'm afraid, that I'm completely clueless in how to do English computer-generated poetry. (I programmed that for Russian when I was young, but looks like that experience will not help me here.)
So, any clues?
Note: I already asked a similar question. I want to try both approaches. Note how good poem criteria are different from the good phrase in parallel question. Remember, this is "just for fun".
Also, I have to note this: There is an RFC 1605 on somewhat related matters. But it do not suggest any implementation details, so it is not quite useful for me, sorry. <g>
and the value of the word that you found in the thesaurus is 1