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Twitch API redirect_mismatch

I'm busy with the Twitch API since yesterday, had a simple authentication working, with redirect uri:


Now i've changed the redirect uri to:


And it's not working anymore.

I've change the uri in the twitch app dashboard, and in the requests, but I still get the "Redirect_Mismatch".

What am I doing wrong?

Twitch Model:

class Twitch{

    var $client;
    var $oauth_token;

    public function __construct($token = null)
        $this->client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

        if($token != null) $this->setOAuthToken($token);

    public function retrieveOAuthToken($code)
        $res = $this->client->post('', [
            'body' => [
                'client_id'     => Config::get('twitch.client_id'),
                'client_secret' => Config::get('twitch.client_secret'),
                'grant_type'    => 'authorization_code',
                'redirect_uri'  => Config::get('twitch.redirect_uri'),
                'code'          => $code
            'verify'            => false

        $result = json_decode($res->getBody());
        $this->oauth_token = $result->access_token;

Laravel Twitch Config file:

return array(

    'client_id' => 'REMOVED',

    'client_secret' => 'REMOVED',

    'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost:8000/twitch',



class ConnectController extends \BaseController {

    public function twitch()
        $twitch = new Twitch();

Twitch App Settings:

Twitch Settings


  • You need to update your laravel config:

    return array(
        'client_id' => 'REMOVED',
        'client_secret' => 'REMOVED',
        'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost:8000/connect/twitch',

    And you twitch redirect URI by http://localhost:8000/connect/twitch.

    If one one the 2 URLs (Laravel or Twitch settings) is different from the other, you will have the Redirect_Mismatch