I have a combobox, who's rowsource is set as :-
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT...")
Set cboBroker.Recordset = rs
Is it possible for me to add a value at the top of the list called "<ALL>
", and if so, how?
If a combo boxes row source is directly bound to a recordset, any modification needs to be done in the recordset. You can do that though:
SELECT "<ALL>" FROM MSysObjects WHERE ID = (SELECT First(ID) FROM MSysObjects)
But you shouldn't. This will cost some performance, and will make it difficult to add columns.
Instead, you could use a non-editable value list, and populate it like this:
cboBroker.RowSource = ""
cboBroker.AddItem "<ALL>"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT...")
Do While Not rs.EOF
cboBroker.AddItem rs.Fields(0).Value