This is a "part two" to this question.
So I have this (same) code:
import wx
import screeninfo
class application(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(application, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
# Panels
panel = wx.Panel(self)
StuffPanel = wx.Panel(panel, 1)
# Header
Header = wx.StaticText(panel, label="Browse", pos=(25, 25))
HeaderFont = Header.GetFont()
HeaderFont.PointSize += 10
HeaderFont = HeaderFont.Bold()
# displaying everything in ''
import override_contents as over
posx = 25
posy = 60
change = 0
def contentButtonDisplay(panel=StuffPanel, id=wx.ID_ANY, label="None", pos=(0,0), event=None, i=None):
wx.Button(panel, id, label, pos).Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, event)
for i in over.contents:
contentButtonDisplay(label=i["name"], pos=(posx, posy), event=i["event"])
if change == 5:
posy += 50
posx = 25
change = 0
posx += 100
change += 1
for m in screeninfo.get_monitors():
r1 = str(m).split("x")
screenx = r1[0].split("(")[1]
screeny = r1[1].split("+")[0]
app = wx.App()
frm = application(None, title='Browse', size=(int(screenx), int(screeny)))
And override_contents:
import wx
def onPygame():
wx.MessageBox("Pygame!", "Pygame!")
def onWxpython():
wx.MessageBox("WxPython!", "WxPython")
def onScreeninfo():
wx.MessageBox("Screeninfo", "Screeninfo")
"name" : "PyGame",
"event": lambda _: onPygame()
"name": "WxPython",
"event" : lambda _: onWxpython()
"name": "Screeninfo",
"event" : lambda _: onScreeninfo()
"name": "Screeninfo",
"event" : lambda _: onScreeninfo()
"name": "Screeninfo",
"event" : lambda _: onScreeninfo()
"name": "Screeninfo",
"event" : lambda _: onScreeninfo()
"name": "Screeninfo",
"event" : lambda _: onScreeninfo()
So i'm trying to use two panels, panel
and StuffPanel
is the main panel, and StuffPanel
is where the buttons are being put at.
The problem is that when I run it, it displays this:
The Image
Basicly, it doesn't even display the buttons.
No error or anything.
Can someone please help me on this?
(Probably just another rookie mistake)
Most probably the size of your StuffPanel
is (0,0)