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How to partly change the font of a webix datatable cell?

I have below datatable in which one of the cells (1st row, Message column) is colored. All the cells under the Message column is showing a multiline message.

Snippet :

Instead of coloring the entire cell, I want the font of one of the items to be colored or bold. For example, I want only the 'world' in that cell to be colored as green or as bold.

Can this be done ? Please help.



  • You could use Template literals here and modify your for loop.

    for(var i in p_list) {
     var item = p_list[i];
     if (item === 'world') {
       item = `<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">o ${item}</span>`;
       or you can give it a class and style the item accordingly in css
       item = `<span class="green">o ${item}</span>`;
     } else {
       item = `<span>o ${item}</span>`;
       e_item += item + "<br>";