I'm trying to make a a manual popover close button at the top right of the popover, using ngx-bootstrap. I do know that to add the x button, we would have to make use of &Times from bootstrap.
However I do not know how to implement it to my title as I am trying to add it to the top right.
content: string = "content of popover ";
Title: string = "Title of popover";
<a [popover]="content" container="body" placement="top" [popoverTitle]="Title" >Making this popover</a>
This is the link I'm using. I'm using this example, the template and component.
My plunker basically, to put it simple, I need a X on the top right of the title.
Manage to do it eventually, since popoverTitle only accepts string
<ng-template #popoverContent3>
<div style="font-size:18px; font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-weight:bold;">
<p>this is a title...
<button type="button" (click)='pop2.hide()' class="close" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<p>The best looking pop over, with a TITLE!</p>
<a [popover]="popoverContent3" #pop2="bs-popover" placement="right">
Pop over with title and a x button!