I need to read a large amount of large text files.
For each file, I need to open it and read in text sentence by sentence.
Most of approaches I found is read line by line.
How can I do it with Python?
If you want sentence tokenization, nltk is probably the quickest way to do so. http://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.tokenize.html#module-nltk.tokenize.punkt Will get you pretty far.
i.e. code from docs
>>> import nltk.data
>>> text = '''
... Punkt knows that the periods in Mr. Smith and Johann S. Bach
... do not mark sentence boundaries. And sometimes sentences
... can start with non-capitalized words. i is a good variable
... name.
... '''
>>> sent_detector = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
>>> print('\n-----\n'.join(sent_detector.tokenize(text.strip())))
Punkt knows that the periods in Mr. Smith and Johann S. Bach
do not mark sentence boundaries.
And sometimes sentences
can start with non-capitalized words.
i is a good variable