Here is my image:
I want to find the center of mass in this image. I can find the approximate location of the center of mass by drawing two perpendicular lines as shown in this image:
I want to find it using an image processing tool in python. I have a little experience in the image processing library of python (scikit-image) but, I am not sure if this library could help finding the center of mass in my image. I was wondering if anybody could help me to do it. I will be happy if it is possible to find the center of mass in my image using any other library in python. Thanks in advance for your help!
will do what you want. Here's an example:
import imageio as iio
from skimage import filters
from skimage.color import rgb2gray # only needed for incorrectly saved images
from skimage.measure import regionprops
image = rgb2gray(iio.imread('eyeball.png'))
threshold_value = filters.threshold_otsu(image)
labeled_foreground = (image > threshold_value).astype(int)
properties = regionprops(labeled_foreground, image)
center_of_mass = properties[0].centroid
weighted_center_of_mass = properties[0].weighted_centroid
On my machine and with your example image, I get (228.48663375508113, 200.85290046969845)
We can make a pretty picture:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.color import label2rgb
colorized = label2rgb(labeled_foreground, image, colors=['black', 'red'], alpha=0.1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Note the inverted coordinates because plt uses (x, y) while NumPy uses (row, column)
ax.scatter(center_of_mass[1], center_of_mass[0], s=160, c='C0', marker='+')
That gives me this output:
You'll note that there's some bits of foreground that you probably don't want in there, like at the bottom right of the picture. That's a whole nother answer, but you can look at scipy.ndimage.label
, skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects
, and more generally at skimage.segmentation