I'm trying to emulate the copy/paste functionality of my OS using a python application.
What I want to have happen is that when I press the keys, say, "Alt-X", it would paste predefined text into the currently occupied text field. Basically copy and paste but creating my own.
I've tried using pyautogui and other frameworks but I can't seem to figure out how get it to wait for key-press in the background, and then enter the text after that.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Try keyboard library :
import keyboard
shortcut = 'alt+x' #define your hot-key
print('Hotkey set as:', shortcut)
def on_triggered(): #define your function to be executed on hot-key press
#write_to_textfield(text_to_print) #<-- your function
keyboard.add_hotkey(shortcut, on_triggered) #<-- attach the function to hot-key
print("Press ESC to stop.")
the above will print a predefined text into the terminal.
execute the script with sudo
i.e. sudo python program_name.py
installation :
sudo pip install keyboard
Note : According to documentation 'Works with Windows and Linux (requires sudo), with experimental OS X support'