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Failed to pull image, unauthorized: authentication required

Trying to deploy CAM chart version 2101 from ICP 2101. Deploy fails with the error:

Failed to pull image “mycluster.icp:8500/default/orpheus-iaas:”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get https://mycluster.icp:8500/v2/default/orpheus-iaas/manifests/ unauthorized: authentication required


  • As Scott mentioned, updating the image scope to global is the correct answer. This can be accomplished with a single command:

    root@icp-master-1:~# kubectl get image -n=<namespace> -o yaml | sed 's/scope: namespace/scope: global/g' | kubectl replace -f -
    image "cam-broker" replaced
    image "cam-busybox" replaced
    image "cam-mongo" replaced
    image "cam-orchestration" replaced
    image "cam-portal-api" replaced
    image "cam-portal-ui" replaced
    image "cam-redis" replaced
    image "cam-service-composer-api" replaced
    image "cam-service-composer-ui" replaced
    image "orpheus-iaas" replaced
    image "orpheus-proxy" replaced
    image "orpheus-tenant-mgmt" replaced
    image "orpheus-ui-basic" replaced
    image "orpheus-ui-connections" replaced
    image "orpheus-ui-instances" replaced
    image "orpheus-ui-templates" replaced
    image "provider-terraform-local" replaced