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Instruct Custom Tabs to not suggest authentication storage

I have an Android application that opens up a OAUth webpage using AppAuth for authentication of the user. When the user has authenticated, the chrome browser is suggesting to the user to store the credentials (user/pass) in the browser. If possible, I would like to disable this behaviour.

I have searched and read the documentation, but haven't found any info about the possibility (or the opposite) of instructing the browser to not suggest autocomplete (storage).

Changing the login page is not an option. I would preferably want to pass in some information (flags) to the chrome tab in the intent.

All help would be appreciated.


  • Lead maintainer of AppAuth-Android here. As far as I'm aware, there is no way for you to "hint" to the browser / custom tab that you want to suppress a credential save prompt. Chrome and other browser vendors don't like giving this choice to developers as it is often misused in user- and security-hostile ways, like misguided attempts to block password managers.