For this function :
import numpy as np
def my_function(param1 , param2 , param3 , param4) :
return param1 + 3*param2 + 5*param3 + np.power(5 , 3) + np.sqrt(param4)
This prints 134.0
How to return 100 instead of 134.0 or as close a value to 6 as possible with following conditions of my_function parameters : param1 must be in range 10-20, param2 must be in range 20-30, param3 must be in range 30-40, param4 must be in range 40-50
I'm not asking for specific solutions to this problem but what domain does it fall into ? Reading & Parameter Optimization in Python suggest this is possible with out of box solutions (in low dimensions) . Can genetic programming be applied to this problem ?
Basically, you want to minimize the error between an estimate and the real function.
EDIT: The obvious choice here is to use gradient descent on 4 parameters. If you do not want to do that and ask more like a pragmatic solution, here it is.
The main problem here is there are 4 parameters. To solve this problem, you can do this:
I will describe a process to demonstrate this idea. We will use scipy's scalar_minimizer which employs Brent method.
For the sake of discussion, let's keep your function consist of 2 parameters, and let's assume your function is:
def f(p1, p2):
return p1 + np.sqrt(p2)
you are basically asking how to find and p1, p2 values such that f(p1, p2) = 100. Assuming ranges are following:
Let's fix p1 to 10 (you are free to fix to anything in this range). Now the function becomes
def g(p2):
return 10 + np.sqrt(p2)
We want this to be as close too 100 possible, so let's create an error function which measure how far our estimate is away from 100.
def error(p2):
return 100 - (10 + np.sqrt(p2)) # we want to minimize this
You can find value to minimize this error so that you can be as close to as possible 100 through
from scipy import optimize
optimize.minimize_scalar(error, bounds = (10,20), method = "bounded")
which gives a value of x = 19.9 as the value that minimizes the error.