Within the dataset "PlantGrowth" there is only two variables, group and weight.
[1] "weight" "group"
The variable "group" 3 levels
[1] "ctrl" "trt1" "trt2"
I want to be able to call the control and treatments of the variable "group" but I can't figure out how to separate them into their own variable. I've renamed the levels to:
levels(PlantGrowth$group) <- c("control","treatment1","treatment2")
But now I want to be able to analyze control against treatment 1 and 2. I've tried a bunch of different things like this:
control <- (PlantGrowth$group$control)
Error in PlantGrowth$group$control :
$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Obviously that is incorrect though Thank you!
Is this what you want? (using filter
from dplyr
control <- PlantGrowth %>% filter(group == "control")
if you want you can also split your whole data frame by "group", like so:
split(PlantGrowth, PlantGrowth$group)