When using amp-bind, I'm receiving the following error:
Default value for <input [disabled]="ampState.success"> does not match
first result (). We recommend writing expressions with matching
default values, but this can be safely ignored if intentional.
My initial states are:
<amp-state id="ampState">
<script type="application/json">
// ...
"success": "",
And the offending element is:
<input type="submit" <!-- .... --> [disabled]="ampState.success" />
Is there anyway to remove this warning, consdering I can't provide a default value for [disabled]
without it actually disabling the input?
I found this warning can be avoided by setting the state as follows:
<amp-state id="ampState">
<script type="application/json">
// ...
"success": "",
As the AMP validator looks for actualValue === expectedValue
where the disabled properties initial actualValue is actually false
, not ''