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How to add the ApiModelProperty decorator to a ManyToOne relationship

I'm using Nest.js with the TypeORM and Swagger modules. So far documenting the API endpoints with Swagger works like a charm, but I'd like to include the attributes that define many to one relationships in the API documentation that is generated automatically.

This is the sample entity definition that I'm using:

export class Photo {
  readonly id: number;

  @Column({ default: false })
  approved: boolean;

  url: string;

  @ManyToOne(type => User, user =>
  owner: Photo;

Unfortunately the owner attribute doesn't like the ApiModelProperty decorator with an unhandled promise rejection.

Is it possible to add relations properties to documentation in Nest.js + Swagger and if it is so, what am I missing?

Thanks in advance


  • Maybe type of owner should be User?

    P. S. Have you tried to add metadata to ApiModelProperty?

    @ApiModelProperty({type: User})