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Chocolatey: Simple Automatic Upgrades of Local Folder Packages

I have a folder like c:\chocopkg where I put a couple of packages which I can't find on the official repo. Creating nupkg archives was really simple and fun. Instead, the Automatic Updater (AU) is too much for me: there is no simple cinst au; one should clone a git repo and also setup a new one even for a local run.

What I need is very simple. I added a script <package>\tools\chocolateyBeforeUpgrade.ps1, with trivial Invoke-WebRequest regexps. It checks for new versions on the vendor's site and can update chocolateyInstall.ps1.

My first question is: Is there some config option to have cup all running a script like this before checking for package status?

If this is not possible, it would be also simple to wrap cup in a, say, cup2 checking and running automatic upgrades, but what file should this wrapper edit before giving control to actual cup? cup page just says it "upgrades a package or a list of packages", but I don't understand how. I can speculate it looks at the .nuspec version. However in a local share there is no such info without unzipping the .nupkg file and for remote packages this would require a possibly large download.


  • AU essentially does what you'll need, even if it is a little more setup and work. I know it may feel like too much to start, but you can just start with the files that run the updates.

    What I need is very simple. I added a script <package>\tools\chocolateyBeforeUpgrade.ps1, with trivial Invoke-WebRequest regexps. It checks for new versions on the vendor's site and can update chocolateyInstall.ps1.

    This isn't going to help with upgrades as it is a chicken and egg scenario. You need the updated package first to be able to upgrade a package. So putting something into beforemodify or the install script is only going to help you on installation. BeforeModify only runs from the already installed package on upgrade/uninstall, so unless there