I have a project that is using ASP.NET Zero template. I have successfully integrated SignalR into my solution and the real-time notification works fine. What I want is adding another hub to my solution or extending the existing SignalR hub to add more to it.
In the SignalR AspNetCore Integration document, it says to add the following to the Startup.cs file:
app.UseSignalR(routes =>
routes.MapHub<AbpCommonHub>("/signalr"); // default hub
routes.MapHub<HitchNotification.HitchHub>("/hitchHub"); // my hub
The issue, however, is the client where I need to set up the connection! In the SignalRAspNetCoreHelper.ts, it sets the URL to use the '/signalr'
hub (default one).
export class SignalRAspNetCoreHelper {
static initSignalR(): void {
var encryptedAuthToken = new UtilsService().getCookieValue(AppConsts.authorization.encrptedAuthTokenName);
abp.signalr = {
autoConnect: true,
connect: undefined,
hubs: undefined,
qs: AppConsts.authorization.encrptedAuthTokenName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(encryptedAuthToken),
url: AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/signalr'
jQuery.getScript(AppConsts.appBaseUrl + '/assets/abp/abp.signalr-client.js');
If I change the '/signalr'
to '/hitchHub'
, it works fine. But I want both in my application! I tried to create a helper for my own hub similar to the SignalRAspNetCoreHelper.ts and initialize it in the app.component.ts:
ngOnInit(): void {
if (this.appSession.application && this.appSession.application.features['SignalR']) {
if (this.appSession.application.features['SignalR.AspNetCore']) {
But it seems that the abp.signalr
can't have multiple connections to different hubs.
So, basically I have 2 questions:
Is there any way that I could add my own hub's functions to the default AbpCommonHub
? That way, I could simply modify the abp.signalr-client.js file.
If the above is impossible, how can I have multiple hubs on the abp.signalr
to be accessible anywhere within my application?
- Is there any way that I could add my own hub's functions to the existing default AbpCommonHub? that way I could simply modify the abp.signalr-client file
Sure. Inherit AbpCommonHub
public class HitchHub: AbpCommonHub
// Ctor omitted for brevity
public async Task SendMessage(string message)
await Clients.All.SendAsync("getMessage", string.Format("User {0}: {1}", AbpSession.UserId, message));
Replace hub:
// routes.MapHub<AbpCommonHub>("/signalr");
- If the above is impossible, how can I have multiple hubs on the abp.signalr to be accessible anywhere within my application?
The above is not impossible, but I'll answer this anyway to demonstrate multiple hubs (for Angular).
Inherit AbpHubBase
public class HitchHub : AbpHubBase, ITransientDependency
public async Task SendMessage(string message)
await Clients.All.SendAsync("getMessage", string.Format("User {0}: {1}", AbpSession.UserId, message));
Map hub:
routes.MapHub<AbpCommonHub>("/signalr"); // No change
routes.MapHub<HitchHub>("/signalr-hitchHub"); // Prefix with '/signalr'
This requires Abp.AspNetCore.SignalR
Modify SignalRAspNetCoreHelper.ts:
abp.signalr = {
autoConnect: true, // No change
connect: undefined, // No change
hubs: undefined, // No change
qs: AppConsts.authorization.encrptedAuthTokenName + "=" + ... // No change
remoteServiceBaseUrl: AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl, // Add this
startConnection: undefined, // Add this
url: '/signalr' // Changed from: AppConsts.remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/signalr'
// Modify the following block
jQuery.getScript(AppConsts.appBaseUrl + '/assets/abp/abp.signalr-client.js', () => {
var hitchHub;
abp.signalr.startConnection('/signalr-hitchHub', function (connection) {
hitchHub = connection; // Save a reference to the hub
connection.on('getMessage', function (message) { // Register for incoming messages
console.log('received message: ' + message);
}).then(function (connection) {
abp.log.debug('Connected to hitchHub server!');
abp.event.on('hitchHub.connected', function() { // Register for connect event
hitchHub.invoke('sendMessage', "Hi everybody, I'm connected to the chat!"); // Send a message to the server