I want to learn how to properly use the "." when subsetting with magrittr.
Given a dataframe myDataframe
myDataFrame <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,3,3,4,5), c(10,11,12,13,14,15,16))
# c.1..2..3..3..3..4..5. c.10..11..12..13..14..15..16.
#1 1 10
#2 2 11
#3 3 12
#4 3 13
#5 3 14
#6 4 15
#7 5 16
I want to remove all rows with 3 in the first column, which I could do with myDataFrame[ myDataFrame[,1] != 3 ,]
to get this result:
# c.1..2..3..3..3..4..5. c.10..11..12..13..14..15..16.
#1 1 10
#2 2 11
#6 4 15
#7 5 16
However, I need to do it with a pipe (and I can't name the columns of the dataframe).
When I try to run myDataFrame %>% "[" (.[,1] != 3)
I get an "undefined columns selected" error. How do I select one column within a dataframe referred to with a dot?
We can keep it in a {}
myDataFrame %>%
{.[.[[1]] != 3,]}
# c.1..2..3..3..3..4..5. c.10..11..12..13..14..15..16.
#1 1 10
#2 2 11
#6 4 15
#7 5 16
Or in an extended form
myDataFrame %>%
{`[`(.[,1]) != 3} %>%