I did followed this blog here and here.
And i have the following problem.
One field in my form is currecy format, from brazil. I'm using client-side validation. Everything works great expept one issue.
I have 2 validation:
[DisplayName("Taxa de adesão")]
[MoedaReal(ErrorMessage = "Taxa deve ser numérico")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Taxa é obrigatório")]
public decimal ValorAdesao { get; set; }
The rule REQUIRED works ok, the MoedaReal rule works okay. After these rules are passed ok, one final rule is triggered:
I already tried to change the web.config in this line:
<globalization culture="pt-br" uiCulture="pt-br" />
My numbers format accepcted are these:
How can i "fool" .NET to accept this format? Because it expects DECIMAL format instead.
You can't fool the default model binder. It simply tries to parse the request string value into a decimal using the culture specified in your web.config. So because you are also using client validation there might be a culture difference between the client and the server. For example the browser could be configured to use en-US and the server pt-BR and then you might have a problem. You could try this:
<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />
This means that the culture used by the server will be dictated by the client. If this doesn't work you have a couple of other possibilities: