I would like to compile in Ubuntu a FMU for Windows (32 and 64bits).
I read in the OpenModelica User's Guide Release v1.11.0 (https://openmodelica.org/newss/179-february-6-2017-openmodelica-1-11-0-released):
"Added OMEdit support for FMU cross compilation. This makes it possible to launch OMEdit on a remote or virtual Linux machine using a Windows X server and export an FMU with Windows binaries."
"Cross compilation of C++ FMU export. Compared to the C runtime, the C++ cross compilation covers the whole runtime for model exchange."
How can I do the cross compilation?
Should I install anything to get a Windows option in the "Platform" section?
Edited: "sudo apt-get install mingw-w64" adds the Mingw compilers. Is it possible to add other compilers? For example: Clang for Windows.
Mingw: sudo apt-get install mingw-w64 The option will appear in the dialog window.