I want to create skew animation for a View in android.
So, I have rectangular view (this is normal/start state), at the end it should looks like this:
I can do such a thing with android.view.animation
package using Transformation of TYPE_MATRIX
. So I can create Matrix
and use preSkew
method, apply this Matrix
to my custom animation and then start this animation on a view. So this is OK.
The problem is I want to do this with ObjectAnimator
Because using android.view.animation
package is not recommended to use.
But I can't get the solution for this problem with ObjectAnimator
If I have ImageView
, I can use method setImageMatrix
for ObjectAnimator
(and also create custom MatrixEvaluator
to evaluate corresponding matrices for each factor),
but I want to get solution for this problem with a View
class, not for some subclass of it.
And the main reason is, that TextView
, for example, doesn't have public method like setMatrix
, and I want to get the solution for TextView
too. So get the solution for base View class is the main desire.
There is another solution: create custom, for example, SkewTextView
, in which onDraw
method we use canvas.skew
But this is worse solution even than using android.view.animation
package, because you need to create wrappers for any View
subclass you want to skew.
So, I don't know, how I can skew View
with a ObjectAnimator
(as View
class doesn't have public methods like setSkew
or setMatrix
How would you solve this problem?
Have you any idea of how to solve this problem?
Is there a solution for this problem with ObjectAnimator
Any help (or even thoughts) is greatly appreciated
I created a skew animation using Android Property Animation APIs in my project (GitHub Link).
What I did:
property to it.
public class SkewView extends ImageView {
private static final String TAG = "SkewView";
public static final Property SKEW_X
= new FloatProperty("skewX") {
public void setValue(SkewView object, float value) {
public Float get(SkewView object) {
return object.getSkewX();
private float mSkewX;
// ...
public float getSkewX() {
return mSkewX;
public void setSkewX(float skewX) {
mSkewX = skewX;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mSkewX != 0) {
canvas.skew((float) (mSkewX * Math.PI / 180.0f), 0);
to animate this property.
ObjectAnimator skewAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mTarget, SkewView.SKEW_X, 30);