How to Integrate reCAPTCHA in your Angular 2 Application?
Assuming that you have Site Key and Client Secret given by reCAPTCHA. Put below code in component.
@ViewChild('captchaRef2') captchaRef2: ElementRef;
private _reCaptchaId: number;
private SITE_ID = [YourSiteKey];
ngAfterViewInit() {
const grecaptcha = (window as any).grecaptcha;
if (grecaptcha) {
this._reCaptchaId = grecaptcha.render(this.captchaRef2.nativeElement, {
'sitekey': this.SITE_ID,
'callback': (resonse) => this.reCapchaSuccess(resonse),
'expired-callback': () => this.reCapchaExpired()
Below is the Success callback function. If the response data has value then reCAPTCHA verified successfully.
alert("Congratulation! reCAPTCHA verified.")
// Some logic goes here
Below function will be called when reCAPTCHA expired.
alert("Oops! reCAPTCHA expired.")
// Some logic goes here
Put below div in the HTML file.
<div #captchaRef2></div>
Put below JS script in index.html file.
<script src='" async defer'></script>