I have been working in Google Sheets with timezones and I have found a perplexing issue that I cannot figure out. Basically, if I use a custom script formula on a static date or a dynamically-generated date, I get different results, when it should be the same!
Here is a quick preview that shows what I am talking about.
is a dynamically-created Date while C5
is a static Date. I have created a custom function that will take a TimeDateString
such as C2
and C5
and convert it to another Time Zone.
You can clearly see that D2
and D5
are different answers; however, they should be the same. This is the reason for this question. Is this a bug? Or am I missing something?
function DateTime(dateTimeString, timeZone, format) {
if (format == null) { format = "MMM dd 'at' hh:mma z" }
if (timeZone == null) { timeZone = "GMT" }
var date_time = new Date(dateTimeString);
if(!isNaN(date_time.valueOf())) {
return Utilities.formatDate(date_time, timeZone, format);
} else {
throw Utilities.formatString('Invalid Date String: "%s"', dateTimeString);
Formula=CONCATENATE(Month($A2), "/", if(Day($A2) < 10, CONCAT("0", Day($A2))), "/", Year($A2), " ", Hour($B2), ":", if(Minute($B2) < 10, CONCAT("0", MINUTE($B2)), Minute($B2)))
The comment suggested by the user pnuts
was absolutely related to the reason for my strange behavior. I had modified my Spreadsheet timezone to be GMT+0:00
; however, my script timezone remained at GMT+9:00
After making these two the same value, my sheet and the script worked correctly.
There are actually 2 Timezones that you need to review, and they need to match!!
File > Spreadsheet settings > Timezone
)File > Project properties > Timezone
)Note: these two Timezones have to match!!
Otherwise, you will get strange results as shown in the question.
Google has admitted that this is a common source of issues, I have created an issue
in there Google App Script Issue Tracker
and you can vote on this open issue if you have experienced this issue first-hand.
Google App Scripts Session
documentation for the timezone information stated the following...
Spreadsheet time zones that differ from the script time zone are a frequent source of scripting bugs.
As Pnuts has stated in the comment to my question...
Timezone for the script is Tokyo. Seems your formula could be =text(A2+B2,"mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm")
Note 1: he stated that he didn't want to make his comment an answer and instead wanted me to write one.
Note 2: he was also correct in the A2 + B2