I also want to trace network latency from App -> Service1 -> App -> Service2.
Spring sleuth works perferct to find latency between Sleuth aware services say services1->service2 as I can see CS,SR tags in Zipkin. Now I also want to track network Latency between devices and other area which we are hopping but those are not Sleuth aware services. How can I do that. Any pointers would be appreciated .
From the Docs,
That means that the current span has Trace-Id set to X, Span-Id set to D. It also has emitted Client Sent event.
Are there any specific headers which needs to be sent from App to Server?
I know Sleuth does it out of the box using Rest template. How can I do the same thing from Apps or other non sleuth services.
Please read this page from Zipkin - https://zipkin.io/pages/instrumenting.html . It's all written there how things should work.
HTTP Tracing
HTTP headers are used to pass along trace information.
The B3 portion of the header is so named for the original name of Zipkin: BigBrotherBird.
Ids are encoded as hex strings:
X-B3-TraceId: 128 or 64 lower-hex encoded bits (required)
X-B3-SpanId: 64 lower-hex encoded bits (required)
X-B3-ParentSpanId: 64 lower-hex encoded bits (absent on root span)
X-B3-Sampled: Boolean (either “1” or “0”, can be absent)
X-B3-Flags: “1” means debug (can be absent)
For more information on B3, please see its specification.
Also please check the B3 specification page - https://github.com/openzipkin/b3-propagation