I would like to ask about how to configure Nodejs (backend/server) to accept HTTPS request from client side (Front end).
What we did.
The problem:
What did we missed?
If I understand you correctly, you have a Cloudfront distribution serving angular which is then attempting to connect to an EC2 instance - I presume the IP address or public DNS entry for the EC2 is hard-coded into the angular code.
This is not a good arrangement - if your EC2 goes down or the IP address changes you will need to push a new site to S3 - and then this change will take time to propagate through Cloudfront.
What you should rather be doing is this.
(This is an incredibly simplistic way of doing things that leaves your EC2 open to the internet etc etc).
You should also give serious thought to putting your EC2 into an autoscaling group that spans at least two availability zones, and to setting its minimum size to ensure at least servers are running at any one time.
AWS EC2 instances can go away at any time, and when they do your app goes down with them.