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Shear (Skew) transformation along arbitrary direction in 2d

I need to skew a 2d polygon shape in arbitrary direction (2d). Doing it in X axis looks like this:

   float skewAngle;
   glm::mat4 skewMatrix;
   skewMatrix[1][0] =  glm::tan(glm::radians(skewAngle));


   skewMatrix[0][1] =  glm::tan(glm::radians(skewAngle));

I need to skew in both X and Y direction at the same time,where the direction is given by an angle between 0 - 360 (-+). In some graphics programs it is also called "Skew Axis". I was trying something like this:

Let's say I want to skew the shape in direction given by 160 degrees.(zero degrees - shearing along X axis)

    float skewAxisAngle = 160.0f;  
    float skewAngle = glm::radians(skewAxisAngle);

Then I rotate my unit direction vector,which faces x-axis by default, with skewAngle. glm::vec2 rotatedDirection = (glm::rotate(glm::vec2(1.0f, 0.0f), skewAngle));

Normalize to stay always in range [0-1]:

    rotatedDirection =  glm::normalize(rotatedDirection ) ;

Then I applied the direction as weight component wise to X and Y skews:

 skewMatrix[1][0] = rotatedDirection.x * glm::tan(glm::radians(skewAngle));

 skewMatrix[0][1] = rotatedDirection.y * glm::tan(glm::radians(skewAngle));

The result seems to be working,but only for square angles.For angles like the above,the result looks wrong. My frame of reference is Adobe After Effects.


enter image description here


enter image description here


  • If I understand your needs right, then look at the formula below from the book (Nikulin Computer Geometry...). It describes complex transformation of skew along axis (o,V) - base point and direction vector. T is translation matrix, R with tilda - rotation matrix.
