I am using Ingres Db which is old and cant do much, I need to show datetime in specific format as
dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss
DB retunrn me it as
01.02.2018 14:43:53
it is NOT SQL server so I CANNOT use CONVERT(VARCHAR(10) Is there a way to convert it to format i need ?
to show it as dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss you have to do next
SELECT Varchar(Date_part('day', date('now'))) + '-' + Varchar(Date_part('month', date('now'))) + '-' + Varchar(Date_part('year', date('now'))) + ' ' + Varchar(Date_part('hour', date('now'))) + ':' + Varchar(Date_part('minute', date('now'))) + ':' + Varchar(Date_part('second', date('now')));