I have a database with no FKs, PKs and not any documentation to show what tables relates with each other. So i'm in big trouble to do a reverse engineering on the physical data to mind how does one table relates to another one. Does anyone knows a tool to create a model based only by the names of columns?
Example: Table A have a column with name ID_NTP_BAZINGA that relates to table B with the column name ID_NTP_BAZINGA.
Hm, it is hard task to do (and I kind of have done it myself), but I can think of some hints to automate your work, for example commands like sp_msforeachdb
or sp_msforeachtable
might be handy.
To determine FK relations in a way you mentioned, you could use such query:
select * from (
select object_name(object_id) [table],
count(*) over (partition by name) [cnt]
from [DB_name].sys.columns
) a where cnt > 1
which, in your case, would return (among others)
and give you already some insight.
For candidates for PK, one could use sp_msforeachtable
with dynamic SQL checking if count(distinct *)
is equal to count(*)
- this would tell you whether you have unique values or not, and in the end you would count(*)
with is not null
filter in where
clause, so you'll know if you have null
s in particular column.
These are some general hints and exact queries you have to write yourself. This answer will get you started.