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Comparing issues in DUnit CheckEquals with Currency Field Values

I'm comparing some currency values in DUnit but it is not working at all on my machine (work on others, but not on mine).

An example:

CheckEquals(16.65, SomeCurrencyFieldValue);


expected: <16,65> but was: <16,65>

if do the following the comparison then works:

  Temp: Currency;
  Temp := 16.65;
  CheckEquals(Temp, SomeCurrencyFieldValue);

The question is: Why the comparison doesn't work when I pass the value direct to the CheckEquals method?


  • The issue has to do with how Currency values get converted to Extended values at run time versus how floating-point literals get converted to Extended values at compile time. If the conversion isn't the same in both cases, then the values passed to CheckEquals may not compare equal.

    It would be worth checking in the debugger's CPU window whether either of the values goes through an intermediate Double value on its way to Extended in preparation for the function call. An extra conversion would affect the exact value of the result.

    Another thing to consider is that 16.65 is not representable exactly as an Extended value, but it is representable exactly as a Currency value. Although Currency is classified as a floating-point type, it is really a fixed-point scaled 64-bit integer. That's probably grounds for requesting an additional CheckEquals overload in DUnit that takes that into account.