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bibTeX citation for stackoverflow

(I am not sure if this question belongs to the meta website or not, but here we go)

I want to add stackoverflow to the bibliography of a research paper I am writing, and wonder if there is any bibTeX code to do so. I already did that for gnuplot

I searched online, but in most cases the citation goes to a specific thread. In this case, I want to acknowledge SO as a whole, and add a proper citation, probably to the website itself. Hopefully somebody already did this in the past?

As an example, below are the codes I use for R and gnuplot:

          title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
         author = {{R Core Team}},
   organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
        address = {Vienna, Austria},
           year = {2015},
            url = {},

      author = {Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley and {many others}},
       title = {Gnuplot 5.0: an interactive plotting program},
       month = {June},
        year = {2015},
howpublished = {\href{}{}}

I know that both are software, not website resources, but maybe something along those lines would work. Any feedback is appreciated!



  • I did not realize this question never got answered. The solution I found was to acknowledge the SO website in the LaTeX code with the following:

    This research has made use of the online Q\&A platform {\texttt{stackoverflow}}

    Hope it helps somebody in the future!