I'm trying to draw some text at a particular height (so it's drawn at the same height as some other primitive) in Cesium. Text-wise, I can't seem to be able to draw anything but labels clamps to the ground (in the example below, the first little circle is at ground level). As such:
var entity = viewer.entities.add({
position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(parseFloat(terrain[5]), parseFloat(terrain[4])),
ellipse : {
semiMinorAxis : 10000,
semiMajorAxis : 10000,
height : 1000,
fill : true,
outline: true,
material : Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(someColour).withAlpha(0.5),
outlineWidth : 2
label: {
id: 'my label',
text: "Blabla",
scale: .5,
height: 1000
Is there any way to draw text at a specific height in Cesium?
The text height needs to be part of entity.position
. Try adding it as a 3rd parameter to Cartesian3.fromDegrees
on the 2nd line there.