Until now I thought justify meant that the text will start and end at the same pixel, but i was surprised a few hours ago, when I saw this:
I got similar results in 2 computers (win7+chrome, ubuntu+firefox), and not just at this place, there are more similar bugs on the same site.
After my second chec I thought this is general and I just haven't noticed yet, but other sites don't show this strange behaviour. Also refreshing the site and restarting the browser didn't solved it.
Has anybody else noticed this? What causes this?
The points previously made about this being a perceptual issue are valid, but also a bit accepting of a best-case scenario where the justification is being done right/well in the first place. It's worth nothing that proper text justification is actually rather hard, and the algorithms used by browsers just aren't that great. This Hacker News thread has a bunch of notes and links that should be of interest.