we are working on Delphi 7 and SQL server 2008. SQl server Money Field size is //-922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807
what is equivalent in Delphi? we need to add some validations on Delphi side not to allow size more than sql server money field.
is the equivalent type.
is the fact that it provides precise representation of decimal numbers with up to 4 digits. E.g. 0.1
cannot be precisely represented as a Double
value. Whereas with Currency
, all numbers in the range -922337203685477.5807 .. 922337203685477.5807
can be precisely represented.Double
in that it supports a range of values comparatively 'close' to zero. Double
supports a much larger range by discarding precision beyond 15-16 digits: 2.23e-308 .. 1.79e+308