Search code examples

Retrieving label names with SPARQL query

I am having an issue with the Wikidata Query Service. What I want to do is retrieve a list of all persons who have a GTAA ID.

?q wdt:P1741 ?GTAA_ID.

For these persons, I want to retrieve the following optional information:

OPTIONAL{ ?q p:P166 ?award_received
OPTIONAL{ ?award_received pq:P585 ?point_in_time. }
OPTIONAL{ ?award_received pq:P1686 ?for_work.   }
  • have received an award
  • at what point in time they received this award
  • for what work they received this award

As of now, my query mostly works. However, in the 'awards_received' column, for example, it is showing the following text:


When clicking this it brings me to the Wikidata page concerning the person who received the award, NOT the title of the award itself. What I would like to do is have the title of the received award retrieved, instead of a link to the receiver of the title.

The code I have is as follows:

SELECT ?GTAA_ID ?award_received ?point_in_time ?for_workLabel
       ?q wdt:P1741 ?GTAA_ID.
       OPTIONAL{ ?q p:P166 ?award_received
       OPTIONAL{ ?award_received pq:P585 ?point_in_time. }
       OPTIONAL{ ?award_received pq:P1686 ?for_work.   }
       . }
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "     
       [AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }


  • The actual award is given as the property ps:P166 of the statement:

    SELECT ?GTAA_ID ?award ?awardLabel ?point_in_time ?for_workLabel {
      ?q wdt:P1741 ?GTAA_ID.
      OPTIONAL {
        ?q p:P166 ?award_received .
        ?award_received ps:P166 ?award # Here
        OPTIONAL { ?award_received pq:P585 ?point_in_time. }
        OPTIONAL { ?award_received pq:P1686 ?for_work. }
      SERVICE wikibase:label {
        bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]".

    You can get a description of a resource with a DESCRIBE query, e.g.:

    DESCRIBE wds:Q78217-3877ABD6-239F-47DA-A8BD-8035D3CBAA7A