I'm trying to remove elements from nested object array. My document looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a79b8a6b2ba9a49359fa3c3"),
"_class" : "com.PersonEntity",
"records" : [
"number" : "4905537",
"label" : "ASH"
"number" : "KM537",
"label" : "JAP"
"number" : "49537",
"label" : "JAP"
I want to delete all the records of all the documents where the record has the label "JAP".
This is the way I'm trying to do it:
Update update = new Update().pull("records", new BasicDBObject("label", "JAP"));
mongoOperations.updateMulti(new Query(), update, PersonEntity.class);
It seems that there is something wrong with this Update because removing is not working.
Can any body help me with this?
I belive you need to mention the name of the field, before the sub-field ("records.label" instead of "label").
Try this one:
Update update = new Update().pull("records", new
If this will not do, you may try:
Update update = new Update().pull("records",
Collections.singletonMap("label", "JAP"));