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Variant vs GADT approach

In OCaml, I want to define a function f that accepts an input to update a record x. Among the following two approaches, I'm interested whether one has an advantage over the other (readability aside).

Variant approach

type input =
  | A of int
  | B of string

let f x = function
  | A a -> { x with a }
  | B b -> { x with b }

GADT approach

type _ input =
  | A : int input
  | B : string input

let f (type t) x (i: t input) (v: t) =
  match i with
  | A -> { x with a = v }
  | B -> { x with b = v }


  • ADT pros:

    • Straightforward, no need for type annotations or anything fancy
    • Writing a function of type string -> input is straightforward.

    GADT pros:

    • Avoid one layer of boxing.
      However, this is completely negated if you need a parsing functions, which would force you to pack things under an existential.

    To be more precise, the GADT version can be seen as a decomposition of the ADT version. You can transform one into the other in a systematic way, and the memory layout will be similar (with the help of a small annotation):

    type a and b and c
    type sum =
      | A of a
      | B of b
      | C of c
    type _ tag =
      | A : a tag
      | B : b tag
      | C : c tag
    type deppair = Pair : ('a tag * 'a) -> deppair [@@ocaml.unboxed]
    let pack (type x) (tag : x tag) (x : x) = Pair (tag, x)
    let to_sum (Pair (tag, v)) : sum = match tag with
      | A -> A v
      | B -> B v
      | C -> C v
    let of_sum : sum -> deppair = function
      | A x -> pack A x
      | B x -> pack B x
      | C x -> pack C x