I am currently developing an ecommerce software using PHP/MySQL for a big company. There are two options for me to get some specificed data:
For instance, when a user go to product details page I need to get those TXT files:
I want to use this way, because data is easily readable by human and portable between programming languages. In addition, if I use DB, I need to connect a couple of tables. But these files GET THEM TOGETHER.
My txt file looks like (YAML):
product_id: 1281
quantity_sold: 12 #item(s)
hit: 1105
hit_avarage: 92 #quantity_sold/hit
vote: 2
But, still I am not sure about speed and performance. Using TXT files are good idea? Should I really use this way instead of DB?
As you can't partially include and parse a YAML file, you'll have to parse the file as a whole, which means that you'll have an incredible performance hit. You can compare this to selecting all rows from a database and then looping over them to find the one that you're looking for, instead of just typing a WHERE condition. So yes, a database is much faster to accomplish what you ask.
Please do take a look at Document Based Databases though, you don't necessarily have to use a relational database. In fact, when looking at the example of the YAML file, I think using a "no SQL" database would be a better alternative.