I keep getting weird behavior in my negamax-based AI when I try to implement QuiesenceSearch. I based it on the pseudo-code from here:
int Quiesce( int alpha, int beta ) {
int stand_pat = Evaluate();
if( stand_pat >= beta )
return beta;
if( alpha < stand_pat )
alpha = stand_pat;
until( every_capture_has_been_examined ) {
score = -Quiesce( -beta, -alpha );
if( score >= beta )
return beta;
if( score > alpha )
alpha = score;
return alpha;
And this is my code:
private double QuiescenceSearch(GameBoard gameBoard, double alpha, double beta, int color)
double standPat = color * CalculateBoardScore(gameBoard);
if (standPat >= beta)
return beta;
else if (alpha < standPat)
alpha = standPat;
foreach (Move move in GetNoisyMoves(gameBoard))
double score = -1.0 * QuiescenceSearch(gameBoard, -beta, -alpha, -color);
if (score >= beta)
return beta;
else if (score > alpha)
alpha = score;
return alpha;
Namely, the AI seems to behave as-if making the absolute worst move (killing it self) is the way to go.
CalculateBoardScore always returns from the color == 1 side, hence the multiply by color.
I refactored my code and now this works properly:
private double QuiescenceSearch(GameBoard gameBoard, double alpha, double beta, int color)
double bestValue = color * CalculateBoardScore(gameBoard);
alpha = Math.Max(alpha, bestValue);
if (alpha >= beta)
return bestValue;
foreach (Move move in GetNoisyMoves(gameBoard))
double value = -1 * QuiescenceSearch(gameBoard, -beta, -alpha, -color);
bestValue = Math.Max(bestValue, value);
alpha = Math.Max(alpha, bestValue);
if (alpha >= beta)
return bestValue;
The problem with the pseudo code is that it should return the stand_pat/score if it's greater than beta, not beta:
int Quiesce( int alpha, int beta ) {
int stand_pat = Evaluate();
if( stand_pat >= beta )
return stand_pat;
if( alpha < stand_pat )
alpha = stand_pat;
until( every_capture_has_been_examined ) {
score = -Quiesce( -beta, -alpha );
if( score >= beta )
return score;
if( score > alpha )
alpha = score;
return alpha;