I'm getting a 'Circular dependency detected' error when I'm trying to install Akavache 6.0.0-alpha0038 into my Xamarin.IOs project in Visual Studio 2017.
This is the error in detail,
Error Circular dependency detected 'akavache 6.0.0-alpha0038 => akavache.core 6.0.0-alpha0038 => System.Reactive 3.1.1 => System.Reactive.PlatformServices 4.0.0-preview00001 => System.Reactive 3.1.1'
How can I resolve this issue?
In your visual studio, open Options Menu (Tools > Options),
Then, Under, NuGet Package Manager > General, choose PackageReference as the Default package management format for Package Management (refer image)
Now try installing the nuget package, in this case Akavache 6.0.0-alpha0038.
Worked for me 🤗
Note: You have to remove packages.config file if it exists. You can remove the file, then install the package, then re-add the file.