Access 2013
I have a simple lookup table that twice in the last month a record (different record on each occasion) has disappeared.
Since the auto id of the table is used as the foreign key I am forced to drop the table and recreate it.
I don't provide any delete functionality at all to users in the Access DB and especially not to the lookup table.
I have done a global search for all references to the table in my VBA code and found it was used several times but only in select statements.
At the moment I suspect a user is fiddling with something they don't fully understand and they are inadvertently deleting the record.
What else can I do determine the cause of this problem?
Can I make the lookup table read only?
It turned out to be a second lookup table that had a temporary relationship defined in the query that was not required. i.e: no columns were based upon this unnecessary table. This unnecessary lookup table was simply being used as a row source for a combobox on the form.
I discovered this after I noticed the form data type was set to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates). Why? When I tested the form with normal Dynaset the form refused to perform any updates!
When I removed the unnecessary lookup table from the query I was able to set the data type back to Dynaset with updates continuing to work and deletions no longer cascading through to my first and required lookup table.
In addition the unnecessary lookup table was actually a query that was referencing a table in another database.